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Send emails based on data in tibble

I'm trying to iterate over tibble to send emails from each row and can't get it to work. Here is example:



First create table I want to include to email

tbl <- tibble(A = c(1,2,3),
              B = c(4,5,6),
              C = c(7,8,9))

table <- pander_return(tbl)

Create tibble, each column corresponds to certain information I want to include to email

emails <- tibble(from = c("[email protected]", "[email protected]"),
                 to = c("[email protected]", "[email protected]"),
                 subject = "This is test",
                 greetings = "Happy Christmas",
                 data = list(table, table))

Now I would like to map each column and add it to correct place to sendmail function from sendmailR package. Here is example how I can send 1 email. Only interesting bit is how greetings and table are joined together to create msg field.

from <- "[email protected]"
to <- "[email protected]"
subject <- "This is test"
msg <- c(greetings, table)

sendmailR::sendmail(from = from, to = to, subject = subject, msg = msg)

So how can I map that emails tibble to sendmail function, so email would be sent by each row.


  • This is a perfect use case for the pmap function from purrr

    You could do the following

    pmap( list(emails$from, emails$to, emails$subject, emails$data) 
          , ~sendmailR::sendmail(from = ..1, 
                                to = ..2, 
                                subject = ..3, 
                                msg = ..4))

    This creates a list of arguments, then using the ~ we define the function. The ..x represent the order that the arguments appear in the input list.

    Full reprex

    tbl <- tibble(A = c(1,2,3),
                  B = c(4,5,6),
                  C = c(7,8,9))
    table <- pander_return(tbl)
    emails <- tibble(from = c("[email protected]", "[email protected]"),
                     to = c("[email protected]", "[email protected]"),
                     subject = "This is test",
                     greetings = "Happy Christmas",
                     data = list(greetings, table))
    pmap( list(emails$from, emails$to, emails$subject, emails$data) 
          , ~sendmailR::sendmail(from = ..1, 
                                to = ..2, 
                                subject = ..3, 
                                msg = ..4))

    And just to show it works with a lower stakes function:

    pmap( list(emails$from, emails$to, emails$subject, emails$data) 
          , ~paste(..1, 


    [1] "[email protected] [email protected] This is test"
    [1] "[email protected] [email protected] This is test"