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Panel data stargazer - Not including factor variables

I wanted to ask when doing panel data models: random, fixed and LSDV using lm function. When using stargazer to get nice table of results, we get a additional variables coef for all cross section dummy coefs. like in the example below:

#Load packages

#Load in Wooldridge data on crime
crime <- read.dta("")

#Declare our data to be a panel data set
crime.p <- pdata.frame(crime,index=c("county","year"))

#Run a panel model
#fixed effects / within
fixedeff <- plm(log(crmrte) ~ polpc + lwtuc + avgsen + wfed + d82 + d82 + d84 + d85,data=crime.p,model="within")

#Random effects
randomeff <- plm(log(crmrte) ~ polpc + lwtuc + avgsen + wfed + d82 + d82 + d84 + d85,data=crime.p,model="random")

LSDV <- lm(log(crmrte) ~ polpc + lwtuc + avgsen + wfed + d82 + d82 + d84 + d85 + factor(county)-1, data=crime.p)

stargazer(fixedeff, randomeff, LSDV, type = "text")

Is there a way how to have a nice table and do not have all factor(county) coefs in it?

I know we can do it "by hand" when printing the table, however I need this inside a function So I NEED type = "text".


  • as coeffeinjunky said, it should work with omit. Add it as option to stargazer:

    stargazer(fixedeff, randomeff, LSDV, type = "text", omit=c("county"))

    Is this the output you're looking for?