code for popup,how to write *ngIf condition to hide same row group and display other group .Here i am passing and displaying group, i just need to hide respective request group. GroupRequestDesc have all group values.
<td *ngFor="let value of GroupRequestDesc;let $index=index " style="padding-right: 15px;">
<label for="checkbox_group2" class="checkbox cb_pad" style="width: 180px;display:inline-block;">
<input id="checkbox_group2" type="checkbox" value="{{value.nxReqGroupId}}" (change)="checkboxVisibility(value.ReqGroupId,$event)"/><i class="skin"></i><span>{{value.nxReqGroupDesc}}</span>
And here is my function through which I am passing details to the popup for display:
this.ReqId = RequestId;
this.ReqGroupId = groupData;
this.GroupRequestDesc = groupData;
this.SolutionId = solutionData.SolutionId;
this.ReqGroupName = solutionData.ReqGroupName;
Here what i am trying to achieve is that when i click on submit button respective request group should not display in next coming popup rest all other group should display in can i achieve that please someone help me on this. On Click of submit I am displaying popup which should display remain group
Here is HTML code:
passDataToPopup(group, reqId){
console.log(group, reqId);
let remainingGroups = group.filter(ele=> ele.ReqId != reqId);
console.log(remainingGroups, 'remaining reqestids of group');
<button class="btn-success"
(click)= "passDataToPopup(groupRowData.requestDetails, requestDetailData.ReqId)">submit</button>
Hope it will help you.