In my application on Flask I use multiprocessing in a batch of files - user uploads a .zip with many pdf files -, after the upload, a new entity is created on the database for each file, then a thread is started and call a multiprocessing pool so each file starts a process which has interactions to Google Cloud services such as Google Storage and Google Datastore.
import threading
import multiprocessing
import sys
class ProcessMulti(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, files_ids):
self.files_ids = files_ids
def run(self):
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as pool:
for i, _ in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(process_one, self.files_ids), 1):
sys.stderr.write('\rdone {0:%}'.format(i/len(self.files_ids)))
def process_one(file_id):
print("Process started by {}".format(file_id))
file = File(file_id)
print("Process finished by {}".format(file_id))
Inside File object, there are trivial interactions with Google Datastore and Google Storage - for example reding files from bucket or modifying data. Everything works smoothly locally... but in production using SSL connection, when trying to start the process, the following error is thrown and nothing happens at all:
Process started by 5377634535997440
E1004 15:49:32.711329522 32255] Corruption detected.
E1004 15:49:32.711356181 32255] error:100003fc:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_BAD_RECORD_MAC
E1004 15:49:32.711361146 32255] Decryption error: TSI_DATA_CORRUPTED
Anyone has a clue to what's causing this error? I did some research and found some errors related to overload the SSL socket... but I have no idea which actions to fix that or alternatives to multiprocessing with similar performance. Thank you.
I ended up exchanging mutiprocessing and threading operations to celery task queues as there were some concerns regarding thread safety when connecting to gcloud services that I couldn't overcome. Celery implementation has been a good solution for many multiple async tasks on my app.
#Import celery instance with app context already set
from main_app import celery
def process_one(file_id):
print("Process started by {}".format(file_id))
file = File(file_id)
print("Process finished by {}".format(file_id))