Here's the situation: developer Foo created a hg repo from our svn repo. Foo's hg repo was only a shallow clone of the trunk in svn (no svn branches, tags, etc. and the history was incomplete [about 100 changesets]). Developer Bar did the same thing, but cloned the entire svn repo including the entire history, branches, tags, etc. Both Foo and Bar have done branchy development on their repositories.
There is a common SVN ancestor to both repositories, but each hg repo has a different version number for it. I would like to reparent Foo's changes from the common ancestor onto Bar's repo. Here's a diagram of what I'm looking for:
Foo's repo:
\ /
Bar's repo:
\ /
C,C' and D,D' have the same content, but different version numbers & comments.
The goal:
\ \ /
\ H-I
\ /
I've run out of ideas on how to make this happen. I tried convert --splicemap [ file contained E D] (didn't do anything). Clone -f managed to get everything into one repo, but they appear to be independent trees. After clone -f, I tried rebase --source E --dest D --detach, but it just crashed :(
I'm aware altering the history will invalidate anyone's clone of the repositories, this is not a problem in this case. All users will be re-cloning from the result of this effort.
One thing I didn't notice initially was that my presumed common ancestor wasn't exactly the same after all. During the svn->hg conversion of Foo's repo, the $ID$ strings were expanded, but were not in the creation of Bar's repo. Step 1 below was a simple fix to create a REAL common ancestor.
The following steps allowed me to accomplish my goal:
1- Ensure that the presumed common ancestor (D and D') are actually identical. If not, create a new splice point for them (S) in Bar's repo. S should exactly match the content of D' in my example.
...A-B-C-D--J-K---L \ \ / S M-N
2- Trim the history of Foo's repo to remove the duplicate history, including D', with
hg convert --splicemap TrimSplicemap Foo FooTrimmed
TrimSplicemap contents: (where E is the full hash of E)
E 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
3- Use hg strip to remove the disconnected, redundant history
cd FooTrimmed hg strip C'
4- Use hg convert again to splice Foo's stripped repo onto Bar's repo at commit 'S'
cd ../Bar hg convert --splicemap FooBarSplicemap ../FooTrimmed .
FooBarSplicemap contents: (where E' is the NEW hash for E in the FooTrimmed, and S is the hash of S)
E' S
That should do it! :D