I would like to fire a function as soon as a trade was closed (= the OrdersHistoryTotal
increased by at least 1).
Is there any handler in MQL4 for such scenarios?
In my particular setup I have the following function pushSocket
which should only push data in case the OrdersHistoryTotal
int i,hstTotal=OrdersHistoryTotal();
string historical_trades = "";
if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)==false) continue;
historical_trades = historical_trades +
"historical_trades|" +
version + "|" +
DID + "|" +
AccountNumber() + "|" +
IntegerToString(OrderTicket()) + "," +
TimeToString(OrderOpenTime(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + "," +
TimeToString(OrderCloseTime(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + "," +
IntegerToString(OrderType()) + "," +
DoubleToString(OrderLots(),2) + "," +
OrderSymbol() + "," +
DoubleToString(OrderOpenPrice(),5) + "," +
DoubleToString(OrderClosePrice(),5) + "," +
DoubleToString(OrderStopLoss(),5) + "," +
DoubleToString(OrderTakeProfit(),5) + "," +
DoubleToString(OrderCommission(),2) + "," +
DoubleToString(OrderSwap(),2) + "," +
DoubleToString(OrderProfit(),2) + "," +
"<" + OrderComment() + ">|";
pushSocket.send(StringFormat("%s", historical_trades, true));
I tried to insert a counter to compare it but the counter is deleted every time on memory clean-up.. The above function is nested in a onTick function which executes every second.
There is a function OnTradeAction()
in MQL5 that is called every time some trading action is done. But unfortunately this function is not available in MQL4. On the other hand, you can implement a function inside OnTick()
that will check that HistoryTraderTotal()
increased compared to the previously saved value, and do all the steps you like in that case. A bit more work but almost the same.
static int historyTradesTotal=0;
if(HistoryTradesTotal()==historyTradesTotal) return;
historyTradesTotal = HistoryTradesTotal();