I'm running into an issue where I am working with several Traits that use dependent typing, but when I try to combine the Traits in my business logic, I get a compilation error.
import java.util.UUID
object TestDependentTypes extends App{
val myConf = RealConf(UUID.randomUUID(), RealSettings(RealData(5, 25.0)))
trait Data
case class RealData(anInt: Int, aDouble: Double) extends Data
trait MySettings
case class RealSettings(data: RealData) extends MySettings
trait Conf {
type T <: MySettings
def id: UUID
def settings: T
case class RealConf(id: UUID, settings: RealSettings) extends Conf {
type T = RealSettings
trait ConfLoader{
type T <: MySettings
type U <: Data
def extractData(settings: T): U
case class RealConfLoader(someInfo: Int) extends ConfLoader {
type T = RealSettings
type U = RealData
override def extractData(settings: RealSettings): RealData = settings.data
The code in processor
will not compile because extractData
expects input of type ConfLoader.T
, but conf.settings
is of type Conf.T
. Those are different types.
However, I have specified that both must be subclasses of MySettings
, so it should be the case I can use one where the other is desired. I understand Scala does not compile the code, but is there some workaround so that I can pass conf.settings
to confLoader.extractData
I want to report that for the code I wrote above, there is a way to write it that would decrease my usage of dependent types. I noticed today while experimenting with Traits that Scala supports subclassing on defs and vals on classes that implement the Trait. So I only need to create a dependent type for the argument for extractData
, and not the output.
import java.util.UUID
object TestDependentTypes extends App{
val myConf = RealConf(UUID.randomUUID(), RealSettings(RealData(5, 25.0)))
def processor(confLoader: ConfLoader, conf: Conf) = confLoader.extractData(conf.settings.asInstanceOf[confLoader.T])
trait Data
case class RealData(anInt: Int, aDouble: Double) extends Data
trait MySettings
case class RealSettings(data: RealData) extends MySettings
trait Conf {
def id: UUID
def settings: MySettings
case class RealConf(id: UUID, settings: RealSettings) extends Conf
trait ConfLoader{
type T <: MySettings
def extractData(settings: T): Data
case class RealConfLoader(someInfo: Int) extends ConfLoader {
type T = RealSettings
override def extractData(settings: RealSettings): RealData = settings.data
The above code does the same thing and reduces dependence on dependent types. I have only removed processor
from the code. For the implementation of processor, refer to any of the solutions below.
The code in
will not compile becauseextractData
expects input of typeConfLoader.T
, butconf.settings
is of typeConf.T
. Those are different types.
In the method processor
you should specify that these types are the same.
Use type refinements (1, 2) for that: either
def processor[_T](confLoader: ConfLoader { type T = _T }, conf: Conf { type T = _T }) =
def processor(confLoader: ConfLoader)(conf: Conf { type T = confLoader.T }) =
def processor(conf: Conf)(confLoader: ConfLoader { type T = conf.T }) =