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Godaddy Domain name to azure static website mapping

I have taken the domain name from Godaddy. After that, I have chosen static website in azure storage account and added one index.html in blob storage. The page is accessible from azure's given URL

I want to map that URL to my Godaddy domain name. Below are the screenshot I am trying as given in blob service=> custom domain tab but not getting success.Azure portal screen shot

GoDaddy portal screenshot

I followed it but no satisfactory answer given in it.


  • You don't need the CNAME entry, just the www one. If you don't have CDN, then you don't need the cdnverify.www... CNAME entry either.

    You could try going with the secondary solution, using the asverify subdomain. For this, you have to:

    • Delete records you created in previous attempts
    • Create a CNAME record asverify.www pointing to
    • Wait for a short time (like 5 minutes) so your registration will go live
    • On the Azure Portal, enter and select the option below saying Use indirect CNAME validation
    • Click Save

    Let me know if it works or not so we can figure out what next.