So if I have a list a
and append a
to it, I will get a list that contains it own reference.
>>> a = [1,2]
>>> a.append(a)
>>> a
[1, 2, [...]]
>>> a[-1][-1][-1]
[1, 2, [...]]
And this basically results in seemingly infinite recursions.
And not only in lists, dictionaries as well:
>>> b = {'a':1,'b':2}
>>> b['c'] = b
>>> b
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {...}}
It could have been a good way to store the list in last element and modify other elements, but that wouldn't work as the change will be seen in every recursive reference.
I get why this happens, i.e. due to their mutability. However, I am interested in actual use-cases of this behavior. Can somebody enlighten me?
The use case is that Python is a dynamically typed language, where anything can reference anything, including itself.
List elements are references to other objects, just like variable names and attributes and the keys and values in dictionaries. The references are not typed, variables or lists are not restricted to only referencing, say, integers or floating point values. Every reference can reference any valid Python object. (Python is also strongly typed, in that the objects have a specific type that won't just change; strings remain strings, lists stay lists).
So, because Python is dynamically typed, the following:
foo = []
# ...
foo = False
is valid, because foo
isn't restricted to a specific type of object, and the same goes for Python list objects.
The moment your language allows this, you have to account for recursive structures, because containers are allowed to reference themselves, directly or indirectly. The list
representation takes this into account by not blowing up when you do this and ask for a string representation. It is instead showing you a [...]
entry when there is a circular reference. This happens not just for direct references either, you can create an indirect reference too:
>>> foo = []
>>> bar = []
>>> foo.append(bar)
>>> bar.append(foo)
>>> foo
is the outermost [
] pair and the [...]
entry. bar
is the [
pair in the middle.
There are plenty of practical situations where you'd want a self-referencing (circular) structure. The built-in OrderedDict
object uses a circular linked list to track item order, for example. This is not normally easily visible as there is a C-optimised version of the type, but we can force the Python interpreter to use the pure-Python version (you want to use a fresh interpreter, this is kind-of hackish):
>>> import sys
>>> class ImportFailedModule:
... def __getattr__(self, name):
... raise ImportError
>>> sys.modules["_collections"] = ImportFailedModule() # block the extension module from being loaded
>>> del sys.modules["collections"] # force a re-import
>>> from collections import OrderedDict
now we have a pure-python version we can introspect:
>>> od = OrderedDict()
>>> vars(od)
{'_OrderedDict__hardroot': <collections._Link object at 0x10a854e00>, '_OrderedDict__root': <weakproxy at 0x10a861130 to _Link at 0x10a854e00>, '_OrderedDict__map': {}}
Because this ordered dict is empty, the root references itself:
>>> is od._OrderedDict__root
just like a list can reference itself. Add a key or two and the linked list grows, but remains linked to itself, eventually:
>>> od["foo"] = "bar"
>>> is od._OrderedDict__root
>>> is od._OrderedDict__root
>>> od["spam"] = 42
>>> is od._OrderedDict__root
>>> is od._OrderedDict__root
The circular linked list makes it easy to alter the key ordering without having to rebuild the whole underlying hash table.