I only have around 1000 images of vehicle. I need to train a model that can identify if the image is vehicle or not-vehicle. I do not have a dataset for not-vehicle, as it could be anything besides vehicle.
I guess the best method for this would be to apply transfer learning. I am trying to train data on a pre-trained VGG19 Model. But still, I am unaware on how to train a model with just vehicle images without any non-vehicle images. I am not being able to classify it.
I am new to ML Overall, Any solution based on practical implementation will be highly appreciated.
You can try using pretrained model and take the output. You might need to apply dimensionality reduction e.g. PCA, to get a more managable size input. After that you can train novelty detection model to identify whether the output is different than your training set.
Refer to this example: https://github.com/J-Yash/Hotdog-Not-Hotdog
Hope this helps.