In my project there is popup which contain multiple values in loop.
Every row contains Enable button which convert text into text boxes and in the end of page there is a button name "Update".Then all the enable rows values are goes as a API parameter and then update al the rows. This below page have same functionality but this is in angular js.
A very simple formArray. As always we have a function that creates the formGroup and some auxiliary variables
editing: number = -1; //<--here store the row we are editing
//typically we initialize the variable with "-1"
//to say that there are no rows selected
formArray: FormArray = new FormArray([]); //<--our formArray,
//At first is empty, but NOT null, see =new FormArray([])
oldValue: any; //<--here store the old values, this allows us
//recover the data if we cancel the editing
createGroup() {
return new FormGroup({
prop1: new FormControl(),
prop2: new FormControl(),
prop3: new FormControl()
And a function to edit, cancel and add another row
edit(index: number) { //we pass the "index" of the row we want to edit
this.editing = index;
this.oldValue = { //here store the actual value
//we using "spread operator"
//yes, we need a copy of the old values
cancel() { //we using the oldValue to;
this.editing=-1; //and there are no row editing
add() //simple "push" a formGroup in our array
//I say that, when add a new row we want beging to edit it
A simple (and very ugly .html)
<button (click)="add()">Add</button>
<form [formGroup]="formArray" (submit)="submit(formArray)">
<!--we using ng-container to not create additional "tags"-->
<!-- see how manage a formArray using let "group" of...
and [formGroup]="group"
<ng-container *ngFor="let group of formArray.controls;let i=index" [formGroup]="group">
<!--when we are editing, show the inputs-->
<tr *ngIf="editing==i">
<input formControlName="prop1">
<input formControlName="prop2">
<input formControlName="prop3">
<button (click)="editing=-1">OK</button>
<button (click)="cancel()">Cancel</button>
<!--when we are NOT editing, show the values-->
<tr *ngIf="editing!=i">
<button (click)="edit(i)">Edit</button>
<button (click)="formArray.removeAt(i)">Delete</button>
The function submit
submit(formArray) {
if (formArray.valid)
this.myService.saveData(formArray.value). //(*)
//(*)I has a service with a simple
And the stackblitz
The API can be, if you're using .NET Core
public class Data
string prop1 {get;set;}
string prop2 {get;set;}
string prop3 {get;set;}
[HttpPost), ActionName("UpdateBulk")]
public async Task<object> UpdateBulk([FromBody]Data[]){
try{ save your data here...
return Ok(new { success = true, errorText = "Data saved!" });
return Ok(new { success = false, errorText = "Data incorrect" });