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Unable to change colors in eulerr

I have three lists of genes for which I am attempting to plot the euler plots using eulerr in R. I'm having trouble figuring out why the code provided here isn't allowing me to change the colors of the different sets.

Here is a sample code:

d <- list(a = c(1:10),
          b = c(2:31),
          c = c(8:14))
d <- lapply(d, as.character)

fit <- plot(euler(d),quantities = TRUE)
     fills = c("pink", "darkgoldenrod1", "black"),
     edges = FALSE,
     fontsize = 8,
     quantities = list(fontsize = 8))

Here is the output image:

enter image description here

Colors displayed are the default ones rather than the ones specified by me.

sessionInfo() R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18362)


  • Have you tried something like this:

    d <- list(a = c(1:10),
              b = c(2:31),
              c = c(8:14))
    d <- lapply(d, as.character)
    fit <- plot(euler(d),
                fills = c("pink", "darkgoldenrod1", "black"),
                quantities = TRUE)

    enter image description here