I have a select whose options
are generated for the data returned by an HTTP request in the ngOninit
it looks like this:
ngOnInit() {
this.documentosService.buscaParametros(this.request).subscribe(res => {
this.tipoDocumento = res["general"];
this is the HTML code:
<select class="form-control pv-0" formControlName="tipoFactura" name="tipoFactura">
<option *ngFor="let documento of tipoDocumento">
If it wasn't generated dynamically I could just write the selected
directive to the first option
element, but in this case I don't know how to achieve it. I need that when the component first load the first option is selected.
How could achieve this? Thanks.
to answer the question posed, ngFor exposes a number of helpful template variables, among them is "first" which which is true if you're on the first item, false otherwise:
<option *ngFor="let documento of tipoDocumento; let first" [selected]="first">
also last, index, even and odd are offered.
but, since you're using reactive forms, the recommended method is to skip all that and set the form control value:
ngOnInit() {
this.documentosService.buscaParametros(this.request).subscribe(res => {
this.tipoDocumento = res["general"];
// not sure what your form variable really is
this will automatically select that value in your list of options