I'm very new to mapboxgl and trying to create a map that allows users to filter points over time. I customized this tutorial with my data to get the initial map up and running:
everything worked really well until I loaded my data and realized that many points shared the same coordinates.
Some googling revealed this answer:
Multiple markers - Same coordinates
Both the idea of using offsets or spidering feel like reasonable solutions. Unfortunately, it is not clear to me how to apply those to the data as I loaded it. I believe that the relevant portion of the script is:
map.on('load', function() {
id: 'year',
type: 'circle',
source: {
type: 'geojson',
data: './grandpascan.geojson' // replace this with the url of your own geojson
paint: {
'circle-radius': [
['number', ['get', 'Pages']],
0, 4,
5, 24
'circle-color': [
['number', ['get', 'Pages']],
0, '#2DC4B2',
1, '#3BB3C3',
2, '#669EC4',
3, '#8B88B6',
4, '#A2719B',
5, '#AA5E79'
'circle-opacity': 0.8
If that is correct, how can I identify those points for styling? They do not appear to be markers that can easily addressed in CSS, although I may be completely misunderstanding how this all fits together.
The code here is creating a layer within the map, of type circle
. You could offset locations using the circle-translate
If you want to use CSS transforms to offset markers, you should create them as Marker objects which exist in HTML, outside the map.