I use Data::Dumper to catch uniqe number in each element.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my @names = qw(A A A A B B B C D);
my %counts;
$counts{$_}++ for @names;
print Dumper (\%counts);
This is output.
$VAR1 = {
'A' => 4,
'B' => 3,
'C' => 1,
'D' => 1
How can I remove the title name of each unique number to get output like this format?
$VAR1 = { 4 ,3 ,1 ,1 }
Presuming you want the counts in descending order, you could use the following:
printf "\$VAR1 = { %s};\n",
join ',',
map "$_ ",
sort { $b <=> $a }
If instead you want the counts sorted by key,
printf "\$VAR1 = { %s};\n",
join ',',
map "$counts{$_} ",
Either way, that's a really weird format. Square brackets would make more sense than curly ones.