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filter map result with duplicate keys

I have a command handler that uses a map with commands assigned from user command folders and a general comm folder. User can add their own commands. the map filters using name inside the file which is also how the call them. How do I make a comparison if there is more than one with the same name? Afaik maps can't do this and fear I have to redo it all.

At first I was trying to assign every user it's own map

 client.User1.get(command, argument);
 client.User2.get(command argument);

was this actually the right way to do it? I am using a .JSON with enabled command names for initial comparison. Below some of the code, as you ccan probably tell i'm not that experienced.

const assignedChannels = client.opts.channels.slice(0);
const rootForCommands = "./commands";
client.commandCall = new Map();

for (const channelspecificDir of assignedChannels) {

 const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync(`${rootForCommands}/${channelspecificDir}`);

 for (const file of commandFiles) {
     const commandCollection = require(`${rootForCommands}/${channelspecificDir}/${file}`);
     //sets a new item in the collection.
     //Key of map as command name and the value the function to send message and argument true or false
     client.commandCall.set(, commandCollection);

     const currentProfile = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`./userProfiles/${channel}.json`, 'utf8'));
     if (!currentProfile.all_commands.includes(commandPre)){
         return console.log("Command does not exist");
     try {
        client.commandCall.get(commandPre, argU).execute(channel, argU);
     } catch (error) {
         console.log('command broke');

My prevoious method was to assign user specific folder and general command folder to a map and at the end of each iteration change the name of the map object. But that does not work for some reason.


  • Actually, you can use symbols as keys for maps

    const map = new Map()
    map.set(Symbol(‘the same name’), value1)
    map.set(Symbol(‘the same name’), value2)

    You can use any values for Map’s keys, even objects and functions

    map.set({}, value3)
    map.set({}, value4)

    In all previous expressions we get different values (links) for Map’s keys.

    BTW. Be aware with const some = require(‘some_file_name’). require() caches a value for a file name. So, if your files may be updated during a run time and you need to read these updates you shouldn’t use ‘require()’. It’s good only for importing modules and static values (e.g. configs)