I'm trying to move our registration flow to a reactive setup with Spring Webflux as a POC, we've used AxonFramework to implement CQRS and ES. Our command flow was transformed fairly straight forward, but I'm having trouble transforming our query side.
The problems arrises when I try to transform a point-to-point query that returns a Mono response type, if I specify a Mono ResponseType I get the "No Handler found for [query] with response type"
Can anyone help me figure out how to handle queries with Mono ResponseTypes?
the query handler:
fun handleIsEmailUniqueQuery(query: IsEmailUniqueQuery): Mono<Boolean> =
.flatMap { Mono.just(true) }
the code calling the query gateway
fun validateEmailUnique(request: CreateRegistrationRequest): Mono<CreateRegistrationCommand> =
Mono.fromFuture(queryGateway.query(IsEmailUniqueQuery(request.email), ResponseTypes.instanceOf(Mono::class.java)))
.flatMap { mono -> mono.cast(Boolean::class.java)}
.flatMap { isEmailUnique ->
when (isEmailUnique) {
true -> Mono.just(CreateRegistrationCommand(request.email, request.password, UUID.randomUUID().toString()))
else -> Mono.error(DomainValidationException("ERR_EMAIL_UNIQUE"))
So after re-reading the axon documentation I realized that I could return a CompletableFuture instead, after a small refactor it finally worked
fun handleIsEmailUniqueQuery(query: IsEmailUniqueQuery): CompletableFuture<Boolean> =
.flatMap { Mono.just(false) }
code that calls the queryGateway
fun validateEmailUnique(request: CreateRegistrationRequest): Mono<CreateRegistrationCommand> =
Mono.fromFuture(queryGateway.query(IsEmailUniqueQuery(request.email), ResponseTypes.instanceOf(Boolean::class.java)))
.flatMap { isEmailUnique ->
when (isEmailUnique) {
true -> Mono.just(CreateRegistrationCommand(request.email, request.password, UUID.randomUUID().toString()))
else -> Mono.error(DomainValidationException("ERR_EMAIL_UNIQUE"))