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How to get JSON content in EJS file [WEBPACK]

I want to get values from an external JSON file and use these values in my EJS file which is compiled as HTML by webpack.

My JSON & EJS working properly.

I trying things like that in my EJS :


But the only output (in a HTML file) i get at the render is :


I've tried to use Fetch but at bundle time Webpack don't recognize it. And also tried to pass it in a variable but same result.

The objective is to display images's URL contained in the JSON to require them as image's src in the EJS file.


  • Finally, i've find a proper solution. For future people who will come here :

    Everything happens in webpack.config.js

    Setting-Up :

    1) In a first time i require my JSON file :

    const productsJson = require('.src/components/products.json')

    2) Then i add the following code in my plugins array :

    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        template: './src/index.ejs',
        templateParameters: {
            'myJSON': productsJSON

    3) Finally, In the index.ejs isn't needed to require the file, it's already loaded by the webpack.config.js. To display the JSON content, you simply need to do the following line :

    <%= myJson.anything_In_My_Json %>