here I'm reading a list of files in directory But I noticed that some files can't be decoded it throws an error with this line $tap3->decode($tap_file) or die $tap3->error;
each time im reading the new file if the file valid to decode then i will do list of changes on it and after that encode the file again, else if the file corrupted cannot be decoded i will do another task but the script refused that
sub printDir{
opendir(DIR, $_[0]);
my @files;
my @dirs;
(@files) = readdir(DIR);
foreach my $file (@files) {
if (-f $file and substr($file,0,2) eq "CD")
my $tap3 = TAP3::Tap3edit->new;
my $tap_file = $file;
$result = $tap3->decode("tap_file"); ## decode key
if ( defined $result ) ## here if the file can be decoded then i do changes on it - then encode the file
tap3->encode($tap_file) or die $tap3->error;
}else { ## here if the file courrpted "connot be decoded" then i do another job ...
$tap3->encode($file) || die $tap3->error();
but its looks like it does not work at ( defined $result )
Consider using the tap error reporting to warn on the error.
if ( defined $result ) ## here if the file can not be decoded ...
tap3->encode($tap_file) or die $tap3->error;
}else { ## here if the file courrpted "connot be decoded" ...
warn "File: '$file_name' $tap3->error" ;