I am currently trying to write a function that estimates energy expenditure of some lizards through E = e21.44 * (e(8.74901^10−20 / (1.3806488*10−23 *T). T in the equation is equal to the temperature in Kelvin. I know that if I were to plug in a temperature of 20ºC the function should give me an output of about 0.829. However, when I run the function (see below) I get 2.628622e-121. I believe it's the way I am stating how temperature is converted from Celsius to Kelvin is incorrect and I am currently stuck on it.
TempKelvin <- 273.15
Energy = function(TempKelvin = 273.15 {
exp(24.11) * exp(-8.74901*10^20 / (1.3806488*10^-23 * (T + TempKelvin)))
Energy(T = 28)
There are several problems:
function uses a T
argument but that function, as defined in the question, has no T
also means TRUE
in R. Use a different name. T
will be interpreted as 1 when used in a numeric context unless overwritten. e.g. T+8
equals 9
by default in R.Note that because the answer depends on celsius
and 273.15 only through their sum we can get the effect of using 273 instead of 273.15 like this:
celsius + 273
= (celsius - 0.15) + 273.15
That is passing the function 20-0.15 instead of 20 effectively uses 20 with 273 instead of using 20 with 273.15 .
Energy <- function(celsius) {
exp(21.44) * exp(-8.74901e−20 / (1.38064852e−23 * (celsius + 273.15)))
# match assumed answer (despite assumed answer being slightly wrong)
Energy(20 - 0.15)
## [1] 0.8289531
# correct answer
## [1] 0.8381777