I'd like to display a list of skills and values of a player, and create an increment and decrement button after each line to increase or decrease the value. I've tried to gather lines from other questions related to this problem, but I'm a beginner and can't solve it. Here it is my code:
var text = "<ul>";
var i = 0;
for (i; i < this.skillPoints.length; i++) {
text +=
"<li>" +
this.skillPoints[i]._name +
" value is: " +
this.skillPoints[i]._value +
var entry = document.createElement('li');
var btn = document.createElement("BUTTON");
btn.innerHTML = "Increment";
text += "</ul>";
document.getElementById("list").innerHTML = text;
You are mixing up alot of functios which would work individually. Either decide on adding the text as innerHTML
or adding the elementy by appendChild(document.createElement(x))
. Also createTextNode()
creates HTML encoded output and not what you seek. Last, you should wait to add all to the DOM until the output is completed.
This is a corrected example as close to your code as possible.
//REM: For testing
var skillPoints = [
{_name: 'Skill 1', _value: 'a'},
{_name: 'Skill 2', _value: 'b'}
//REM: Start of the list
var text = "<ul>";
//REM: Removed "this" for testing purposes
for(var i=0; i < skillPoints.length; i++){
text += "<li>";
text += skillPoints[i]._name;
text += " value is: ";
text += skillPoints[i]._value;
text += "</li></br>";
text += "<button> Increment </button>";
//REM: Not required.. the li gets added as string already in this case. Use either or but not both.
//var entry = document.createElement('li');
//REM: First, textnode adds encoded HTML and second, the list is not complete yet
//REM: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/createTextNode
text += "</ul>";
//REM: Now that the ul is complete, we add it to the DOM
//REM: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/insertAdjacentHTML
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', text);