Thank you so much in advance. I am trying to fetch user profile information through slack_authentication
. Although the app is successfully authenticated with Slack, it could not get email and username.
{'ok': True, 'access_token': 'xoxp-xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'scope': 'identify,channels:read,users.profile:read,chat:write:bot,identity.basic', 'user_id': 'XXXXXXXXX', 'team_id': 'XXXXXXXX', 'enterprise_id': None, 'team_name': 'test', 'warning': 'superfluous_charset', 'response_metadata': {'warnings': ['superfluous_charset']}}
I tried to add identify
scope instead of identity.basic
because slack doesn't allow you to use both identity.basic
and other scopes.
The code is below:
@bp.route('/redirect', methods=['GET'])
def authorize():
authorize_url = f"{ oauth_scope }&client_id={ client_id }"
return authorize_url
@bp.route('/callback', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def callback():
auth_code = request.args['code']
client = slack.WebClient(token="")
response = client.oauth_access(
I have realized how to get users info
. I updated the code to like this.
The code is updated like below:
oauth = client.oauth_access(
user_id = oauth['user_id']
response = client.users_info(user=user_id)
But this error occurs:
The server responded with: {'ok': False, 'error': 'not_authed'}
Your code looks like an installation routine for a Slack app using OAuth. But it does not contain a call to get a user profile.
To get the profile of a user you can call
and provide the ID of the user you are interested in.
response = client.users_info(user=ID_OF_USER)
profile = response['user']['profile']
email = response['user']['profile']['email']
In order to retrieve the user's profile and email address you need these scopes: - users:read -
The identity scopes are unrelated to the user profile. They are used for the "Sign-in with Slack" approach only, where you can authenticate with a Slack user on a 3rd party web site.
Finally, just to clarify, because this is often misunderstood: You only need to run through the OAuth installation routine once. The routine will yield you a token for the workspace, which you can store and use for any further calls to the API for that workspace.
You are not using the API correctly.
You need to first complete the Oauth flow and collect the access token, which is in the response from client.oauth_access
Then you need to initialize a new WebClient with the token you received. With the new client you can then access all API methods, like etc.
Again: You should run through the OAuth process one time only and store the received token for later use.
oauth_info = client.oauth_access(
access_token = oauth_info['access_token'] # you want to store this token in a database
client = slack.WebClient(token=access_token)
user_id = oauth_info['user_id']
response = client.users_info(user=user_id)