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How to reference a specific part of a dictionary in Python

Alright, so I am trying to create a simple thing that will tell me the showtimes of the movies at the theatre, the names of the movies, and the Rotten Tomatoes score in Python, but I am having a hard time figuring out how to get the meterScore.

actorCount = 0
actors = []
criticCount = 0
critics = []
franchiseCount = 0
franchises = []
movieCount = 3
movies = [{'name': 'Frozen II', 'year': 2019, 'url': '/m/frozen_ii', 'image': '', 'meterClass': 'certified_fresh', 'meterScore': 76, 'castItems': [{'name': 'Kristen Bell', 'url': '/celebrity/kristin_bell'}, {'name': 'Idina Menzel', 'url': '/celebrity/idina_menzel'}, {'name': 'Josh Gad', 'url': '/celebrity/josh_gad'}], 'subline': 'Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, '}]
tvCount = 0
tvSeries = []

What I am trying to get from that list of data is the meterScore, if you scroll over to the right far enough you can see it. All this data is part of a bigger dictionary, which I named resultOne, but I don't think that matters. I just need some help figuring out how to reference and get the meterScore from the dictionary, so I can print it out, so when I want to see what movies and what rating they got I can just run this program and it will do it for me. I don't really use dictionaries that much, but the library I am using to get the Rotten Tomato data creates it as this very hard to reference dictionary, so any help is appreciated! What I don't get is that if I try to print(resultOne.movies) it says that that is not an attribute or something to that affect, even though when I put it into something that will print out the keys and values, such as I did to get the code above, it clearly shows it is a key. I also tried to print(resultOne.movies[meterScore]), but that didn't work either.


  • Dictionary values are looked up by their keys using [], not ..

    Now, the trick is that the movies key points to a list. So you need to mix two kinds of indexing that both use []: dictionary indexing, which is by key, and list indexing, which is by position in the list (starting at 0).

    Ultimately, you want to do this:

    score = resultOne['movies'][0]['meterScore']
                      ^         ^           ^    
                      |         |           |
         lookup in outer dict   |           |
                       first item in list   |
                                          lookup in inner dict