My App is crashing a "14". I have a business object called "ClientDetail" but this object has no Bools. What is it referring to? There is also no line 784, I am guessing the + 784 is then not a line number reference?
13 HappyApp 0x008b907c handle_signal_exception (exceptions-arm.c:532)
14 HappyApp 0x003259c8 General_ProjectViewController__ctor_General_ClientDetail_bool + 784
15 HappyApp 0x00323f80 General_ClientViewController_DoTap_General_ClientDetail + 224
16 HappyApp 0x0033c700 General_ClientViewController__Populatec__AnonStorey1__m__11 + 132
17 HappyApp 0x00009e14 MonoTouch_Dialog_StringElement_Selected_MonoTouch_Dialog_DialogViewController_MonoTouch_UIKit_UITableView_MonoTouch_Foundation_NSIndexPath + 200
In the ProjectViewController constructor I assign a local client the passed in "Client".
The crash is happening in General.ProjectViewController's constructor that has this signature:
ClientDetail (bool value)
The 784 references the offset from the start of the method in machine instructions.