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Authentication redirect route

can you help me how to create if isadmin is true it will be redirected to admin page, else home page.


public function postLogin(Request $request){
       if(!auth()->attempt(['email' => $request->email, 'password' => $request->password])){
        return redirect()->back();
       return redirect()->route('home');

the main reason's maybe because this

return redirect()->route('home');

when tried change to ('admin') it successfully redirecting.

when i tried to add

protected function authenticated(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request, $user)
        if( $user->isadmin){
           return redirect('admin');
        return redirect('home');

it didnt works too


  • I suggest creating a middleware and using it to protect the route

    Example, you can create an Admin middleware

    php artisan make:middleware Admin

    In App\Http\Middleware\Admin.php

    use Auth;
    use Session;
    use Closure;
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
            // Check if user has permission to access route
            if(!Auth::user()->admin) {
                Session::flash('info', 'You do not have permission to perform this operation!');
                return redirect()->back();
            return $next($request);

    Then in the protected route(assuming only your admin can view all posts in this route),

    Route::post('admin/post/index', 'PostController@index')->middleware('auth');

    Or in the controller

    public function __construct()

    Use except to exclude routes or only to include methods.

    In the kernel.php

    protected $routeMiddleware = [
         'admin' => \App\Http\Middleware\Admin::class