I have three tables:
id | name
1 | a
2 | b
3 | c
4 | d
id | parent_id | b1_name
1 | 1 | aaa
2 | 1 | bbb
3 | 1 | ccc
4 | 2 | ddd
5 | 2 | eee
6 | 2 | fff
7 | 2 | ggg
8 | 2 | hhh
id | b2_name | parent_id
1 | b2_aa | 1
2 | b2_ba | 2
3 | b2_bb | 2
4 | b2_bc | 2
I want to combine these tables with only unique values. I tried this code:
select p.id, b1.b1_name, b2.b2_name
from parent p
left outer join lateral (select distinct b1.b1_name from branch_1 b1 where b1.parent_id=p.id order by b1.b1_name) as b1 on true
left outer join lateral (select distinct b2.b2_name from branch_2 b2 where b2.parent_id=p.id order by b2.b2_name) as b2 on true
but in result has duplicate values:
id | b1_name | b2_name
1 | aaa | b2_aa
1 | bbb | b2_aa
1 | ccc | b2_aa
2 | ddd | b2_ba
2 | ddd | b2_bb
2 | ddd | b2_bc
2 | eee | b2_ba
2 | eee | b2_bb
2 | eee | b2_bc
2 | fff | b2_ba
2 | fff | b2_bb
2 | fff | b2_bc
2 | ggg | b2_ba
2 | ggg | b2_bb
2 | ggg | b2_bc
2 | hhh | b2_ba
2 | hhh | b2_bb
2 | hhh | b2_bc
I want to get:
id | b1_name | b2_name
1 | aaa | b2_aa
1 | bbb | ---
1 | ccc | ---
2 | ddd | b2_ba
2 | eee | b2_bb
2 | fff | b2_bc
2 | ggg | ---
2 | hhh | ---
maybe it seems strange, but I need only unique values without duplicates. So how I can only unique values?
P.S. I need such a table for facet search on sphinx, so that the count of products are considered correctly, with such a request:
select * from facetIndex facet b1_name, b2_name
You can use a window function to do the outer join only on the first rows:
select t.id, t.b1_name, b2.b2_name
from (
select p.id, b1.b1_name, row_number() over (partition by p.id order by b1_name) as rn
from parent p
join branch_1 b1 on b1.parent_id = p.id
) t
left join (
select parent_id, b2_name,
row_number() over (partition by parent_id) as rn
from branch_2
) b2 on b2.parent_id = t.id and b2.rn = t.rn
order by t.id;
Online example: https://rextester.com/GNYF31027