Search code examples

How can I select the difference between the highest and second highest field value using SQL?

I have a table as follows:

id, party, constituency, votes

there are records for each of the UK voting constituencies, a data example is:

1, Conservative, Carlisle, 21780
2, Labour, Carlisle, 18932
3, Green, Carlisle, 2310
4, Conservative, Kensington, 22098
5, Labour, Kensington, 22056
6, Green, Kensington, 3209
7, Conservative, Islington, 32908
8, Labour, Islington, 33005
9, Green, Islington, 5409

I want to identify the seats where the lowest (and greatest) majorities exist. I would like to select all fields where the difference between the max vote and second placed vote, for a given constituency, is less than 50 for example. So I have tried:

       max.votes as max, 
       second_max.votes as max2 
FROM   election
WHERE  (max - max2) < 50  

Needless to say this does not work. Please can you help?


  • For databases where ROW_NUMBER doesn't exist, but EXISTS does?

    An EXISTS can be used to get the top N within a partition.

    And then you can aggregate those top 2 groups.

    SELECT constituency
    , MAX(votes) AS votes1
    , MIN(votes) AS votes2
    , MAX(votes)-MIN(votes) AS votes_diff
    FROM election e
       SELECT 1
       FROM election e2
       WHERE e2.constituency = e.constituency
         AND e2.votes > e.votes
       HAVING COUNT(*) < 2
    GROUP BY constituency
    HAVING (MAX(votes) - MIN(votes)) < 50
    ORDER BY votes_diff DESC;

    Using this sample data:

    CREATE TABLE election (
     party varchar(30) not null, 
     constituency varchar(30) not null, 
     votes numeric(10) not null
    INSERT INTO election (party, constituency, votes) VALUES
    ('Conservative', 'Carlisle', 21780),
    ('Labour', 'Carlisle', 18932),
    ('Green', 'Carlisle', 2310),
    ('Conservative', 'Kensington', 22098),
    ('Labour', 'Kensington', 22056),
    ('Green', 'Kensington', 3209),
    ('Conservative', 'Islington', 32908),
    ('Labour', 'Islington', 33005),
    ('Green', 'Islington', 5409);


    constituency    votes1  votes2  votes_diff
    Kensington      22098   22056   42