I'm imagining that this will come down to personal preference but which way would you go?
StringBuilder markup = new StringBuilder();
foreach (SearchResult image in Search.GetImages(componentId))
markup.Append(String.Format("<div class=\"captionedImage\"><img src=\"{0}\" width=\"150\" alt=\"{1}\"/><p>{1}</p></div>", image.Resolutions[0].Uri, image.Caption));
LiteralMarkup.Text = markup.ToString();
StringBuilder markup = new StringBuilder();
foreach (SearchResult image in Search.GetImages(componentId))
markup.Append(String.Format(@"<div class=""captionedImage""><img src=""{0}"" width=""150"" alt=""{1}""/><p>{1}</p></div>", image.Resolutions[0].Uri, image.Caption));
LiteralMarkup.Text = markup.ToString();
Or should I not be doing this at all and using the HtmlTextWriter class instead?
EDIT: Some really good suggestions here. We are on 2.0 framework so LINQ is not available
Another vote for "AppendFormat". Also, for the sake of the server code I might put up with single quotes here to avoid the need to escape anything:
StringBuilder markup = new StringBuilder();
foreach (SearchResult image in Search.GetImages(componentId))
"<div class='captionedImage'><img src='{0}' width='150' alt='{1}'/><p>{1}</p></div>",
image.Resolutions[0].Uri, image.Caption
LiteralMarkup.Text = markup.ToString();
Finally, you may also want an additional check in there somewhere to prevent html/xss injection.
Another option is to encapsulate your image in a class:
public class CaptionedHtmlImage
public Uri src {get; set;};
public string Caption {get; set;}
CaptionedHtmlImage(Uri src, string Caption)
this.src = src;
this.Caption = Caption;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format(
"<div class='captionedImage'><img src='{0}' width='150' alt='{1}'/><p>{1}</p></div>"
src.ToString(), Caption
This has the advantage of making it easy to re-use and add features to the concept over time. To get real fancy you can turn that class into a usercontrol.