Can someone help me to find out why I'm getting the error message "Access to undefined property: removeChild(goBack)" on the following snipped?
BTW, this is for flash CS4
function nameOfFunction() {
var goBack:backButton_mc = new backButton_mc();
goBack.x = 10;
goBack.y = 700;
goBack.back_text.text = myXML.*[buildingName].NAME; = "backBtn";
goBack.buttonMode = true;
goBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, anotherFunction);
function anotherFunction(e:MouseEvent):void {
You are wrong with the scope. (surprise :-D)
The variable goBack is just defined inside of "nameOfFunction", when you try to access this from a another function like "anotherFunction" it will not exists anymore (even if it is on the display list)
There are different possibilities to solve this problem:
function anotherFunction(e:MouseEvent):void {
Or the best way would be: promote goBack as a class member of the class holding both functions. (Or if you don't use classes make goBack "global".)