I am very very new to testing and new to rails (less than 1 year of experience). Please keep this in view before answering.
I have a model recipe
which belongs to a source
and source
belongs to client
Route is:
client_source_recipes GET /clients/:client_id/sources/:source_id/recipes(.:format) recipes#index
I am trying to test this:
RSpec.describe RecipesController, :type => :controller do
# Prerequisites go here (mentioned at the end of the question)
describe "GET #index" do
it "assigns all recipes as @recipes" do
recipe = Recipe.create! valid_attributes
get :index, params: { client_id: client.id, source_id: source.id, locale: 'cs' }, session: valid_session
expect(assigns(:recipes)).to eq([recipe])
# Commented below are different ways I tried but failed:
# visit client_source_recipes_path(client.id, source.id, locale: 'cs')
# visit "/client/#{client.id}/source/#{source.id}/recipes?locale=cs"
# get client_source_recipes_path, params: { client_id: client.id, source_id: source.id, locale: 'cs' }, session: valid_session
# get client_source_recipes_path(client.id, source.id, locale: 'cs')
Prerequisites for test:
login_user # defined - works well
let(:client) { create :client } # defined in factories
let(:source) { create :source, warehouse_id: 1, client_id: client.id } # defined in factories
let(:valid_attributes) {
{ name: "name", source_id: source.id }
let(:valid_session) { {"warden.user.user.key" => session["warden.user.user.key"]} } # works well in other tests
Why do I get the error of route when same route is being used everywhere else?
Error: ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches {:controller=>"recipes", :params=>{:client_id=>"1", :source_id=>"1", :locale=>"cs"}, :session=>{"warden.user.user.key"=>[["1"], "$2a$04$bobnhLAlKEsxZtlJheY64."]}}
Error: ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches {:controller=>"recipes", :action=>"/clients/1/sources/1/recipes?locale=cs"}
Error: ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches {:controller=>"recipes", :action=>"/clients/1/sources/1/recipes"}
# etc. etc. i.e. errors are more or less the same
Thanks in advance.
I have 'spent' like 5 hours pondering on this but could not do it in any way and now I found out that the only issue was syntax:
Wrong (old) syntax (expects params and session as arguments explicitly):
get :index, { client_id: client.id, source_id: source.id, locale: 'cs' }, session: valid_session
get :index, params: { client_id: client.id, source_id: source.id, locale: 'cs' }, session: valid_session
Right (newer) syntax (accepts params and session as arguments implicitly):
get :index, { client_id: client.id, source_id: source.id, locale: 'cs' }, valid_session
I hope it saves precious time of other people, unlike me ):