I want to create a condiditional formula for some charts in qliksense.
I want to calculate the average for a KPI ATD
, if a certain condition of another column is valid, column W
= 1. So for example:
Class W ATD
A 1 1
A 1 3
A 0 1
B 1 1
Should lead to for class A: Condi.Avg= 2
In general it should be then in a new table (for W=1):
Class Condi.Avg
A 2
B 1
Right now I have:
Avg({<W= {1}> ATD)
which leads to a column in my charts with -
How can I change this?
I think there is a typo in your expression.
Avg({<W = {'1'}>} ATD)
This should provide some result.
Edit (from the author):
Avg({< [W] = {'1']>} ATD)
is working