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How to make this block of code written with RxKotlin cleaner and avoid blocking thread?

I have this function which gets a parameter and first checks for its value. if it was null then gets its value from the result of fisrtFun() which returns a Single< String>.

after that either that parameter was null or not, it returns the result of secondFun() which gets that parameter as input

fun getUserEvents(id: String?): Single<String> {
    return if (userId == null) {
        firstFun().flatMap { id->
    } else {

But as you see I used if-else blocks and have written secondFun() multiple times

so I tried to make it cleaner

fun getUserEvents(id: String?): Single<String> {
    val id = userId ?: fisrtFun().blockingGet()!!
    return secondFun(id)

I want to know if there is a better way to achieve this functionality without using blockingGet() to avoid blocking the thread


  • Something like this should work:

    fun getUserEvents(id: String?): Single<String> {
        val idSingle = if (userId == null) firstFun() else Single.just(id)
        return idSingle.flatMap { id ->