How to find columns with similar names, but different data types within the predefined scope of tables?
The Goal: to verify columns metadata within a project.
For example: column deal_id
is used in 3 tables.
I want to be sure that deal_id metadata is everywhere the same.
To avoid following:
Please try this (query returns the information_schema.columns
for the columns with the same name but different metadata ):
t1 as -- get tables with the same column names
( select *
, count(*) over(partition by column_name) clm_cnt
from information_schema.columns
where TABLE_NAME like '%' -- specify scope of your tables here, otherwise it will look within entire DB
t2 as -- get flags - if amount of distinct types/lengths/etc are >1
( select *
,cast(clm_cnt - count(*) over(partition by column_name,COLUMN_DEFAULT ) as bit) is_diff_COLUMN_DEFAULT
,cast(clm_cnt - count(*) over(partition by column_name,IS_NULLABLE ) as bit) is_diff_IS_NULLABLE
,cast(clm_cnt - count(*) over(partition by column_name,DATA_TYPE ) as bit) is_diff_DATA_TYPE
,cast(clm_cnt - count(*) over(partition by column_name,CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH) as bit) is_diff_CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
,cast(clm_cnt - count(*) over(partition by column_name,CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH ) as bit) is_diff_CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH
,cast(clm_cnt - count(*) over(partition by column_name,NUMERIC_PRECISION ) as bit) is_diff_NUMERIC_PRECISION
,cast(clm_cnt - count(*) over(partition by column_name,NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX ) as bit) is_diff_NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX
,cast(clm_cnt - count(*) over(partition by column_name,NUMERIC_SCALE ) as bit) is_diff_NUMERIC_SCALE
,cast(clm_cnt - count(*) over(partition by column_name,DATETIME_PRECISION ) as bit) is_diff_DATETIME_PRECISION
,cast(clm_cnt - count(*) over(partition by column_name,COLLATION_NAME ) as bit) is_diff_COLLATION_NAME
from t1
where clm_cnt>1
select *
from t2
where 1=1
( 0
--| is_diff_COLUMN_DEFAULT
--| is_diff_IS_NULLABLE
| is_diff_DATA_TYPE