I have the next problem. I have been trying to put more than one recipient in a variable which I have set, but the mail is not triggered. I have tested this with just one recipient and it works.
When I try to add one more, the email won't be sent. This is the first function that defines the sending of a simple email. This is located inside my AppController.php
The email sending is done with the specified class CakeEmail.
public function sendSimpleMail($to, $subject, $body, $to_copy = "") {
$to = trim($to);
$replay_to = EMAIL_REPLY;
try {
App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
$email = new CakeEmail();
if($to_copy == ""){
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$error = $e->getMessage();
return $error;
Moreover, I am going to attach you the function where I prepare the email and send it to the recipients when the ajax request is trigerred through a form.
public function wallet_request_ajax($email_callback){
$this->autoRender = false;
$d = $this->request->data;
return json_encode([
'id' => 400,
'txt' => __('Please, insert a date for the department to call you.')
return json_encode([
'id' => 400,
'txt' => __('Please specify an hour for the call.')
return json_encode([
'id' => 400,
'txt' => __('Please, specify a phone number.')
$existId = $this->Member->find('first', [
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => ['id', 'name', 'surname'],
'conditions' => [
'md5(id)' => $d['id']
return json_encode([
'id' => 400,
'txt' => __('Unexpected error. Contact with '. TELEPHONE) //TELEPHONE constant
$member_name = $existId['Member']['name'];
$member_surname = $existId['Member']['surname'];
$this->set(compact('member_name', 'member_surname'));
$final_name = $member_name . " ".$member_surname;**
'phone' => $d['phone'],
'id' => $existId['Member']['id'],
'date' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($d['date'])),
'time' => $d['time']
// We send the email to 'customer care'
if (PAIS === 'es'){ // if country is Spain
$to = "blabla12@hotmail.com, etc@gmail.com ,blabla@gmail.com"; // recipients
} elseif(PAIS == 'it') { // if country is Italy
$to = "etc@gmail.com"; // recipients
}elseif(PAIS === 'en'){ // if country is UK
$to = "blabla12@hotmail.com"; // recipients
$subject = "Activation service";
$body = "";
$body .= "--------Notification of activation service";
$body .= "-------<br>";
if ($final_name !== "") {
$body .= "<tr><td>Name: " . $final_name . "</td></tr><br>";
$body .= "----------------------------<br>";
$body .= "<tr><td>Date: " . $d['date'] . "<br></td></tr>";
$body .= "----------------------------<br>";
$body .= "<tr><td>".__('Time'). ":" . $d['time'] . "<br></td></tr>";
$body .= "----------------------------<br>";
$body .= "<tr><td>Phone: " . $d['phone'] . "</td></tr><br>";
$body .= "----------------------------<br>";
$body .= "----------------------------<br>";
$email_callback = $this->sendSimpleMail($to, $subject, $body);
return json_encode([
'id' => 200,
'txt' => __('We will call you the specified time.')
If anyone of you out there has any thoughts as regards the matter, it would be really appreciating. I am kind of stuck as I want to try to include other recipients but unfortunately I think it must be some kind of compatibility with the CakeEmail class. Cheers
If you need to send email to multiple recipients, you need to specify them as array.
->to( array('first@email.com', 'second@email.com'));
From the Docs
'to': Email or array of destination.