I start a script with:
t = subprocess.Popen('rosrun ros_pkg ros_node', shell=True,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stdin = subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
I then want to communictate with that process like this:
stdout = t.communicate('new command')[0]
if stdout == []:
stdout = t.communicate('new command')[0]
The problem is that after t.commincate the subprocess closes
There are solutions for similar problems but nothing worked for me yet please help
I now switched from using subprocess to using pexpect. My syntax is now as follows:
child = pexpect.spawn('rosrun ros_pkg ros_node')
command = child.sendline('new command')
output = child.read_nonblocking(10000, timeout=1)
command = child.sendline('new command')
output = child.read_nonblocking(10000, timeout=1)
Many thanks to novel_yet_trivial on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/comments/2o2viz/subprocess_popen_multiple_times/