I've been using Any
to package dynamic messages for protobuf.
On the receiver end, I use Any.type_url()
to match the enclosed message types.
Correct me if I'm wrong, knowing that .GetDescriptor()
is unavailable with Any
, I still want to make the matching less of a clutter. I tried to extract the message type with brute force like this:
MyAny pouch;
// unpacking pouch
// Assume the message is "type.googleapis.com/MyTypeName"
const char* msgPrefix = "type.googleapis.com/";
auto lenPrefix = strlen(msgPrefix);
const std::string& msgURL = pouch.msg().type_url();
MamStr msgName = msgURL.substr(lenPrefix, msgURL.size());
if (msgName == "MyTypeName") {
// do stuff ...
But I'm still wondering if there are cleaner way of skipping the prefix to get the "basename" of the type URL.
You could try
std::string getBaseName(std::string const & url) {
return url.substr(url.find_last_of("/\\") + 1);
if it suits you well.
Although there are some cases, it may not explode it correctly.
Let's say you have two params as basename: http://url.com/example/2
This will get the latest, which is 2...
If you are not looking for cross-platform support, you can always go for https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/reference/splitpath-wsplitpath?view=vs-2019