I have an Eclipse plugin with a toc and some html file as integrated help. The index for search operation is not rebuilt when I change some of the HTML files.
I have even tried to prebuild the index as described here: https://help.eclipse.org/2019-09/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.platform.doc.isv%2Fguide%2Fua_help_setup_preindex.htm
This is my Ant target:
<target name="build.index" description="Builds search index for the plug-in: com.marchesini.mas.rcp.help." if="eclipse.running">
<help.buildHelpIndex manifest="plugin.xml" destination="."/>
<help.buildHelpIndex manifest="plugin.xml" destination="nl/en_US"/>
The build seems to be succesfull, The locale is en_US, from config.ini. But when I search the index in the runtime it's not updated.
The only way I found to trigger the index rebuild is change the version number of the plugin as in https://stackoverflow.com/a/12033859/11643143. Is it really the only way to do it??
How to have automatically rebuilt on plugin deploy?
Thank you!
The only way I found to trigger the index rebuild is change the version number of the plugin as in https://stackoverflow.com/a/12033859/11643143.
Having the index prebuilt is usefull for performance reason, but doesn't trigger the new index to be used by search engines!