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Delete end of element from a list if the element ends with an element from another list

I have the following two lists. If my_list ends with an extension from extensions, then it should be removed. I can't seem to find a solution that doesn't require too many lines of code.


my_list = ['abc_sum_def_sum', 'abc_sum_def_mean', 'abc_sum', 'abc_abc']

extensions = ['_sum', '_mean']


new_list = ['abc_sum_def', 'abc_sum_def', 'abc', 'abc_abc']


  • One-liner list comprehension:

    new_list = [min(e[:(-len(ext) if e.endswith(ext) else len(e))] for ext in extensions) for e in my_list]


    ['abc_sum_def', 'abc_sum_def', 'abc', 'abc_abc']


    What this does is basically loops over my_list, checks if its element e has either of the two extensions items at its end. If it does, it trims that extensions piece down. If it doesn't, leaves that element of my_list untouched. It basically first does this (without the min applied):

    [[e[:(-len(ext) if e.endswith(ext) else len(e))] for ext in extensions] for e in my_list]

    which produces:

    [['abc_sum_def', 'abc_sum_def_sum'],
     ['abc_sum_def_mean', 'abc_sum_def'],
     ['abc', 'abc_sum'],
     ['abc_abc', 'abc_abc']]

    and then applies min to collect the smaller item of each pair. That min corresponds to either the trimmed-down version of each element, or the untouched element itself.