I have table and i want change the colour of that cell based on the value. if value of cell is more than 50 text colour of cell should be red. if cell value is less than 20 then green.So configuration of cell should be based on the condition ..I'm attaching the code here. I'm new to coding and this is the first project. much appreciate if anyone could help me.
import React from 'react';
import { Divider, Table, Tag } from 'antd'
import report from './report.json'
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'
import {
} from './style.js'
const { Column, ColumnGroup } = Table;
const data = [
class: 'All India',
circle: 'All India',
subHeader1: 12,
subHeader2: 66,
subHeader3: 32,
subHeader5: 74,
subHeader6: 32
class: '1',
circle: 'GUJ',
subHeader1: 42,
subHeader2: 16,
subHeader3: 70,
subHeader5: 54,
subHeader6: 33
key: '1',
class: '1',
circle: 'DEL',
subHeader1: 32,
subHeader2: 66,
subHeader3: 74,
subHeader5: 42,
subHeader6: 31
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
const items = report.data.columns.map(item =>
item.subHeader ? (<ColumnGroup title={item.columnName}>
item.subHeader.map((it,index) => (
<Column title={it.name} dataIndex={it.dataIndex} key="2" />
</ColumnGroup>) : <Column title={item.columnName} dataIndex={item.dataIndex} key="age" />
<div id="root">
DATA - {report.header.month}
<Table dataSource={data} bordered title={() => `${report.header.displayName}` }>
export default App;
Customise table cells:
You can change color of specific cell(s) as per certain conditions, you need to target render
attribute of columns
For example, if cell Amount
is more than 50
, then render cell color as red
, otherwise green
render(text, record) {
return {
props: {
style: { background: parseInt(text) > 50 ? "red" : "green" }
children: <div>{text}</div>
Columns array
columns: [
title: "Date",
dataIndex: "date",
width: 200
title: "Amount",
dataIndex: "amount",
width: 100,
render(text, record) {
return {
props: {
style: { background: parseInt(text) > 50 ? "red" : "green" }
children: <div>{text}</div>
title: "Type",
dataIndex: "type",
width: 100
title: "Note",
dataIndex: "note",
width: 100
If you want to change the color of rows rather than cells, then you need to target props rowClassName
rowClassName={(record, index) => (record.amount > 50 ? "red" : "green")}
color: red;
.green {
color :green;
data = [
key: 0,
date: "2018-02-11",
amount: 40,
type: "income",
note: "transfer"
key: 1,
date: "2018-03-11",
amount: 243,
type: "income",
note: "transfer"
key: 2,
date: "2018-04-11",
amount: 98,
type: "income",
note: "transfer"
here is a demo, let me know
Update 01:
OP asked in the comment section: I want to change the colour for "may" subheader in each column
Answer: Feel free to play around the code to match your expectations. In your case, you need something like this ?
background: it.name === "May" ? (parseInt(text) > 50 ? "#08AE4E" : "#f54840") :"#000"