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Timezone of ZonedDateTime changed to UTC during auto conversion of RequestBody with Spring Boot

I'm trying to keep ZoneId of ZonedDateTime which is set on front-end while performing POST/PUT to Spring Boot controller.

The value I want to transfer is: 2019-05-01T00:00:00+01:00[Europe/Zagreb]

After POST/PUT the ZoneId is converted to UTC and hours are adjusted. Technically this updated value represents the same point on time line, but the original ZoneId is lost and I would like to have it stored to be able to show it back later to end user.

// DTO
public class PriceInfoDTO {
    @JsonFormat( pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX['['VV']']", 
        with = JsonFormat.Feature.WRITE_DATES_WITH_ZONE_ID )
    @DateTimeFormat( pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX['['VV']']", iso = ISO.DATE_TIME )
    private ZonedDateTime validFrom;

// Controller
    path = PATH + "/{id}",
    consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
    produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
public ResponseEntity<PriceInfo> update(
    @PathVariable("id") final Integer id,
    @RequestBody final PriceInfoDTO dto
) {

Looking at Network tab in my browser, the request from browser to Spring Controller has this value (payload):


which is the same as format pattern.

When I dump DTO to console, I get this result:


Is there any way to preserve ZoneId as it was received in a request? Should I write my own Serializer and Deserializer to achieve this?



  • Add the following line to the file:

    spring.jackson.deserialization.ADJUST_DATES_TO_CONTEXT_TIME_ZONE = false
