I'd like to extract the specific value from dataframe that I need to do data arranging in R. I can't come up with any method to use in R, so any help will be appreciated.
As an example in my dataframe looks something like this:
the raw data looks like as below:
df <- data.frame(
v1=c('aa',438652,22, ,01),
v2=c(343012,45, ,'pi',75),
v3=c(56,'hi',78,670934, ),
v4=c( ,'cc',906235,05,44))
However, I'd like to extract "6 digits numbers" out into another new frame It's looked like this:
new <- data.frame(
Does anyone have any ideas? That would be great appreciation !!
We can use nchar
to count the number of characters
temp <- as.character(unlist(df))
data.frame(v5 = temp[nchar(temp) == 6])
# v5
#1 438652
#2 343012
#3 670934
#4 906235