I'm working on a python script that allows the user to define the number of hidden layers and their number of nodes in fully connected neural network.
The problem is, the error is coming up as nan when I try larger datasets. I'm not sure why this is the case but I'm also getting this python error when running in google colab.
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:64: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
Here is the output from a small dataset where the error does not occur...
Network Architecture:
Input Layer Number of Weights: 60
Hidden Layer 1 Number of Weights: 400
Output Layer Number of Weights: 20
Total Number of Weights: 480
Epoch: 1 ERROR: 8.148725708134741e-05
Epoch: 2 ERROR: 8.148670920765655e-05
Epoch: 3 ERROR: 8.14861613419593e-05
Epoch: 4 ERROR: 8.14856134840336e-05
Epoch: 5 ERROR: 8.148506563421254e-05
Epoch: 6 ERROR: 8.148451779205201e-05
Epoch: 7 ERROR: 8.148396995799612e-05
Epoch: 8 ERROR: 8.148342213176729e-05
Epoch: 9 ERROR: 8.148287431336554e-05
Epoch: 10 ERROR: 8.14823265030129e-05
Epoch: 11 ERROR: 8.148177870037632e-05
Epoch: 12 ERROR: 8.148123090584436e-05
Epoch: 13 ERROR: 8.148068311908396e-05
Epoch: 14 ERROR: 8.148013534031717e-05
Epoch: 15 ERROR: 8.147958756948848e-05
Final Accuracy: 99.99185204124305%
And here is the output from the sklearn boston dataset
Network Architecture:
Input Layer Number of Weights: 260
Hidden Layer 1 Number of Weights: 400
Output Layer Number of Weights: 20
Total Number of Weights: 680
Epoch: 1 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 2 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 3 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 4 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 5 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 6 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 7 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 8 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 9 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 10 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 11 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 12 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 13 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 14 ERROR: nan
Epoch: 15 ERROR: nan
Final Accuracy: nan%
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:64: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp
Any help would be great! Full Script Below...
# Python 3
import numpy as np
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
class Model:
def __init__(self, x, y, number_of_hidden_layers=2, number_of_hidden_nodes=30, quiet=False):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.number_of_hidden_layers = number_of_hidden_layers
self.number_of_hidden_nodes = number_of_hidden_nodes
self.input_layer_activation_function = "tanh"
self.hidden_layer_activation_function = "tanh"
self.output_layer_activation_function = "tanh"
#making a random, reproducible seed
input_shape = self.x[0].shape[0]
output_shape = self.y[0].shape[0]
number_of_hidden_nodes = self.number_of_hidden_nodes
number_of_hidden_layers = self.number_of_hidden_layers
#init the full lists of hidden plus 2 for input and output
self.W = [None] * (number_of_hidden_layers + 2)
self.A = [None] * (number_of_hidden_layers + 2)
self.D = [None] * (number_of_hidden_layers + 2)
input_layer_weights = 2 * np.random.random((input_shape,number_of_hidden_nodes)) - 1
self.W[0] = (input_layer_weights)
for i in range(number_of_hidden_layers):
i += 1
hidden_layer_weights = 2 * np.random.random((number_of_hidden_nodes,number_of_hidden_nodes)) - 1
self.W[i] = (hidden_layer_weights)
output_layer_weights = 2 * np.random.random((number_of_hidden_nodes,output_shape)) - 1
self.W[len(self.W)-1] = (output_layer_weights)
if quiet == False:
#show the architecture:
print ("Network Architecture:")
print ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------")
total = 0
for count, i in enumerate(self.W):
total += (i.shape[0] * i.shape[1])
if count == 0:
print("Input Layer Number of Weights: " + str(i.shape[0] * i.shape[1]))
elif count == (len(self.W)-1):
print("Output Layer Number of Weights: " + str(i.shape[0] * i.shape[1]))
print("Hidden Layer " + str(count) + " Number of Weights: " + str(i.shape[0] * i.shape[1]))
print ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------")
print("Total Number of Weights: ", total)
#nonlin func
def nonlin(self, x, deriv, function):
if function == "tanh":
if (deriv==True):
return dt
return t
elif function == "sigmoid":
if (deriv==True):
return (x * (1-x))
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))
elif function == "leaky_relu":
if (deriv==True):
dx = np.ones_like(x)
dx[x < 0] = 0.01
return dx
return np.where(x > 0, x, x * 0.01)
def predict(self, x):
#forward pass
input_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(x, self.W[0]), False, self.input_layer_activation_function)
self.A[0] = (input_layer_activation)
for i in range(self.number_of_hidden_layers):
i += 1
hidden_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(self.A[i-1], self.W[i]), False, self.hidden_layer_activation_function)
output_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(hidden_layer_activation, self.W[len(self.W)-1]), False, self.output_layer_activation_function)
return output_layer_activation
def train(self, loss_function, epochs, alpha=0.001):
for j in range(epochs):
#forward pass
input_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(self.x, self.W[0]), False, self.input_layer_activation_function)
self.A[0] = (input_layer_activation)
for i in range(self.number_of_hidden_layers):
i += 1
hidden_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(self.A[i-1], self.W[i]), False, self.hidden_layer_activation_function)
self.A[i] = (hidden_layer_activation)
output_layer_activation = self.nonlin(np.dot(hidden_layer_activation, self.W[len(self.W)-1]), False, self.output_layer_activation_function)
self.A[len(self.A)-1] = (output_layer_activation)
#choose error in compile
#so output_layer_activation is the prediction!!!
if loss_function == "mse":
error = (self.y - output_layer_activation) **2
if loss_function == "mae":
error = np.abs(self.y - output_layer_activation)
if loss_function == "cce":
output_layer_activation = np.clip(output_layer_activation, 1e-12, 1. - 1e-12)
total_number = output_layer_activation.shape[0]
error = -np.sum(self.y*np.log(output_layer_activation+1e-9))/total_number
error = self.y - output_layer_activation
#print every n steps
divis = epochs//10
if (j % divis) == 0:
print ('Epoch: ' + str(j+1) + ' ERROR: ' + str(np.mean(np.abs(error))))
#backwards pass
output_delta = error * self.nonlin(output_layer_activation, True, self.output_layer_activation_function)
self.D[0] = output_delta
#setting working vars
working_delta = output_delta
past_layer_weights = self.W[len(self.W)-1]
for i in range(self.number_of_hidden_layers):
working_index = i+1
hidden_layer_activation_error = working_delta.dot(past_layer_weights.T)
hidden_layer_activation_delta = hidden_layer_activation_error * self.nonlin(self.A[len(self.A)-working_index-1], True, self.hidden_layer_activation_function)
self.D[working_index] = hidden_layer_activation_delta
working_delta = hidden_layer_activation_delta
past_layer_weights = self.W[len(self.W)-(working_index+1)]
input_layer_activation_error = self.D[working_index].dot(self.W[working_index].T)
input_layer_activation_delta = input_layer_activation_error * self.nonlin(input_layer_activation, True, self.input_layer_activation_function)
self.D[working_index+1] = input_layer_activation_delta
#update weights
internal_alpha = alpha
self.W[len(W)-1] += input_layer_activation.T.dot(self.D[0]) * internal_alpha
for i,z in enumerate(range(number_of_hidden_layers,0,-1)):
i += 1
self.W[z] += self.A[i].T.dot(self.D[i]) * internal_alpha
self.W[0] += self.x.T.dot(self.D[len(self.D)-1]) * internal_alpha
#ending print out
print("Final Accuracy: " + str(np.abs((np.mean(np.abs(error)))-1)*100) + "%")
x = np.array([[0,0,0], [1,1,1], [1,1,1], [0,0,0]])
y = np.array([[0],[1],[1],[0]])
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
boston = load_boston()
x = boston["data"]
y = boston["target"]
y = y.reshape((x.shape[0], 1))
model = Model(x, y, number_of_hidden_layers=1, number_of_hidden_nodes=20)
model.train("mse", 15, alpha=.001)
I think it is a regression model, and it looks like using tanh
activation for all layers. Since tanh
's output range is [-1, +1], you should use relu-like activation for the last layer, because range of the target of sklearn's boston dataset is [0, 50].