I have two elements and need to cylcle through both of them at the same time, but in JINJA(!). Naturally I tried to use zip() to go through both (list and dict) at the same time, but jinja does not allow that
{% for (i, o) in zip(searches, e_links): %}
<a href="/sid/{{ o }}">
<div>{{ i.time_string }}</div>
jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'zip' is undefined
Is there another way for cycling through two items at the same time in jinja, or is it somehow possible to pass the zip() function to jinja?
I was able to resolve this if anybody in the future wants to know. You can simply zip() the two items before passing them to jinja like such:
return render_template('results.html', packed=zip(searches, e_links))
in the template then simply cycle through the zipped item:
{% for i, o in packed: %}
And yes, all in all it took me more than an hour to figure this one out.