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How to make cypress wait for the end of a vuex action before to clean localStorage?

I use cypress to test an app made with vuejs / vuex / graphql. It works thanks to this great article.

One test dispatches a vuex action from a component. This action makes multiple requests to the server. In every request, an auth token is injected from localStorage (if it exists) to the headers.

The problem: the first request of the action works fine but subsequent requests do not have the auth token in the headers anymore and fail. From what I understand, Cypress does not wait for all the requests to complete before cleaning localStorage.


  <button @click="save">Save</button>

export default {
  methods: {
    save() {


export const actions = {
  async update({ commit, dispatch }) {
    try {
      // the token is here
      console.log('a. token ->', localStorage.getItem('token'))

      // this works
      const res = await apiUpdate()

      // now the token is null, but why? Is it because of Cypress?
      console.log('b. token ->', localStorage.getItem('token'))

      commit('set', res)

      // this fails because the token is null in localStorage
      await apiAnotherUpdate()

    } catch (e) {


describe("My app", () => {
  beforeEach(function() {

    // log the user and sets the token

  it("test button", function() {
    cy.get("#page").should("contain", "Updated content");

What is the proper way to make this test work?

Thank you


I found an ugly fix using cy.wait(2000) at the end of the test, but am still open to a cleaner solution.


  • making the function async in the component solved it.

    methods: {
      async save() {
        await this.$store.dispatch('update')