Hi I have currently obtained this code from online. It currently gets the url and company information for the following tickers. Is there any way to update this code to instead to show the sector and industry information in replacement of the url and company information? Newbie to coding, so would appreciate any help :)
Code Below:
import bs4 as BeautifulSoup
from bs4 import SoupStrainer
import re
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd
import requests
symbols = ['SBUX', 'MET', 'CAT', 'JNJ', 'ORCL']
headers = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
mySymbols = {}
for s in symbols:
vals = {}
url = ("https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/{}/profile?p={}".format(s,s))
webpage = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(webpage.content)
title = soup.find("title")
tmp = title.get_text()
rxTitle = re.compile(r'\(.*$')
coName = rxTitle.sub("", tmp)
for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
if link['target'] and "" == link['title']:
m = re.search('yahoo', link['href'], flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if None == m:
url = link['href']
webpage = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(webpage.content)
vals = {"company":coName, "url":link['href']}
print (s, vals)
mySymbols[s] = vals
Looking at one of those pages I see the Sector is in a span with 'class'='Fw(600)' and 'data-reactid'=21 and the industry with data-reactid=25, so you could use
sector = soup.find('span', {'class':'Fw(600)','data-reactid': '21'})
industry = soup.find('span', {'class':'Fw(600)','data-reactid': '25'})
The sector.next gets the stuff within the span instead of returning the entire thing.
A better approach that looks for the 'Sector' and 'Industry' spans and returns the subsequent span is fully coded below:
import bs4 as BeautifulSoup
import requests
def get_tags(url):
webpage = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(webpage.content)
title = soup.find("title")
results = {}
tmp = title.get_text()
results['title'] = tmp
spans = soup.findAll('span')
for i in range(len(spans)):
if spans[i] and spans[i].text == 'Sector':
sector = spans[i+1].text
results['Sector'] = sector
if spans[i] and spans[i].text == 'Industry':
industry = spans[i+1].text
results['Industry'] = industry
return results
headers = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
symbols = ['SBUX', 'MET', 'CAT', 'JNJ', 'ORCL']
for s in symbols:
url = ("https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/{}/profile?p={}".format(s,s))
results = get_tags(url)