Currently I have this parameter to create a message in pinpoint,
ApplicationId: config.PROJECT_ID,
MessageRequest: {
Addresses: {
[token]: {
ChannelType: 'APNS'
MessageConfiguration: {
APNSMessage: {
Title: notification.title,
Body: notification.message
I based my code here, I checked it using postman and there's no sound when push notification appear, I noticed that there's no parameter available for sound, how can I add a sound in my notification?
In AWS Pinpoint Test Messaging I used this parameter and it's working as expected, but when I tried it and applied it using the above code, it says "Unexpected key 'aps' found in params.MessageRequest.MessageConfiguration"
APNSMessage: {
aps: {
alert: {
title: notification.title,
body: notification.message
sound: 'default'
I need to add a sound with the value of default using aws-sdk in NodeJS
Amazon Pinpoint SendMessages API doesn't expect/allow the "aps" dictionary to be specified when sending the push notification using a standard message.
To send push notification with sound using standard message, kindly refer to the following working sample code snippet :
// Specify the parameters to pass to the API.
var params = {
ApplicationId: '4fd13a40xxxxxxxx',
MessageRequest: {
Addresses: {
["token from APNS"]: {
ChannelType: 'APNS'
MessageConfiguration: {
APNSMessage: {
Title: 'TEST',
Body: 'This is a sample push notification sent from Amazon Pinpoint by using Nodejs SDK',
Sound: 'default',
To send push notification with sound using the "aps" dictionary, then you'll need to use :
( i ) RawContent property: If using Pinpoint SDK/REST API/CLI.The RawContent property needs to be defined/specified as a JSON-formatted string as illustrated below :
// Specify the parameters to pass to the API.
var params = {
ApplicationId: '4fd13a40xxxxxxxx',
MessageRequest: {
Addresses: {
"token from APNS": {
ChannelType: 'APNS'
MessageConfiguration: {
APNSMessage: {
RawContent : '{"aps":{"alert":"Hello, this is a test push notification!","sound":"default"}}' // If you define 'RawContent' here, everything ("message") else in the "MessageConfiguration" will be ignored.
( ii ) RawMessage property : If using Pinpoint console as illustrated below :
APNSMessage: {
aps: {
alert: {
title: notification.title,
body: notification.message
sound: 'default'
this explains why, when you tested in AWS Pinpoint console and selected Test Messaging & Raw Message then the notification worked correctly with sound.