I'm making user interface using QML.
I was asked to use 9.png image files for this UI.
The size of this image is 82X94 pixels and I have to use this image for 1280X92 background.
I wrote the source code below.
Image {
id: bgMode
x: 0; y: 0
width: 1280; height: 92
source: "qrc:/res/img/bg_mode.9.png"
However, this code breaks the image while stretching it vertically.
I'm supposed to stretch the image without making it like slimy dough.
I thought there would be some program which edits 9 patch image files.
So I googled and found this.
Hoever, I couldn't run this program using JRE.
The error message says it cannot find 'com.alee.extended.ninepatch.NinePatchEditorFrame'.
I gave up using this program here.
I googled if QML supports 9 patch image.
Image Style type seems relevant, but I couldn't figure out how to actually use it.
This stackoverflow page recommends BorderImage type. So I wrote source code below.
BorderImage {
id: bgMode
x: 0
y: 0
width: 1280; height: 92
verticalTileMode: BorderImage.Round
horizontalTileMode: BorderImage.Stretch
border.left: 1; border.right: 1
source: "qrc:/res/img/bg_mode.9.png"
But this code still breaks the image.
How to use 9 patch images on QML?
Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?
On the Qt documentation page you have very good explanation. https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-borderimage.html The only thing you need to know is where those 2 vertical and two horizontal lines are placed (distance from the edge of the image).
border { left: 30; top: 30; right: 30; bottom: 30 }
Image will be spitted into 9 regions. If you do not want to stretched them horizontally but repeat use horizontalTileMode: BorderImage.Repeat
property. Other modes are listed here https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-borderimage.html#horizontalTileMode-prop