Is there a method to get the position of the most significant bit, that is floor(log(x)/log(2)) + 1
Currently I'm running the following abomination:
my(l2, ap, l2ap);
if(a == 0,
\\ TODO: set upper limit according to current precision
if(a < 2^32,
l2 = floor(log(a)/log(2));
return(l2 + 1);
\\ Argument reduction
l2 = floor(log(a)/log(2)) - 2;
ap = a >> l2;
\\ Get the fine details.
l2ap = floor(log(ap)/log(2));
ap = l2 + l2ap;
return(ap + 1);
This was necessary because I'm working with larger numbers and the precision necessary to make floor(log(2^(2^31) - 1)/log(2)) + 1
to print the correct result 2147483647
instead of the wrong 2147483648
is prohibitively large.
Is there really no build-in function in PARI/GP to get the position of the MSB?
To get the msb, just use 'logint(n, 2)'. If you want lsb use 'valuation(n, 2)'.
There is also a built in function 'hammingweight' that will give you the number of 1 bits.