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How can I have karate.log call from javascript added to cucumber reports?

I want to be able to write log statements, that get added to the karate.log file as well as to the Cucumber Reports that get generated when using standalone karate.jar.

When I use karate.log from a javascript function it only adds the log statement to the karate.log file and not the cucumber report.

I have also tried to do this from a java function as well by using both slf4j logger as well as the class. However both of these only add logs to the karate.log file and not to the cucumber reports.

I need this because I am writing some common code for which I don't want my QA-Engineers to write * print <> statements in the karate feature files.

I also looked at the objects) method which is what I am assuming gets called when you call karate.log(..), it looks like it should work, but it isn't working for me.

I am using karate-0.9.4, and here's what my karate-config.js looks like

function conf() {

    var env = karate.env // set the environment that is to be used for executing the test scripts
    var host = '<some-host-name>';
    var port = '443';
    var protocol = 'https';
    var basePath = java.lang.System.getenv('GOPATH') + '/src/karate-tests';

    // a custom 'intelligent' default
    if (!env) {
        env = 'dev';

    var applicationURL = ((!port || port == '') || (port == '80' && protocol == 'http') || (port == '443' && protocol == 'https'))
    ? protocol + '://' + host
    : protocol + '://' + host + ":" + port;

    // Fail quickly if there is a problem establishing connection or if server takes too long to respond
    karate.configure('connectTimeout', 30000);
    karate.configure('readTimeout', 30000);

    // pretty print request and response
    //karate.configure('logPrettyRequest', true);
    //karate.configure('logPrettyResponse', true);
    karate.configure('printEnabled', true);

    // do not print steps starting with * in the reports
    //karate.configure('report',{showLog: true, showAllSteps: true });

    // Turn off SSL certificate check
    karate.configure('ssl', true);

    var config = {
        env: env,
        appBaseURL: applicationURL,
        sharedBasePath: basePath

    karate.log("config.sharedBasePath = ", config.sharedBasePath)
    karate.log('karate.env = ', config.env);
    karate.log('config.appBaseURL = ', config.appBaseURL);

    return config


  • This is because of a bug in karate-0.9.4 which seems to be partially fixed in karate-0.9.5.RC4 release. I have opened a ticket for it on GitHub -