How can I remove a button action in backoffice according to the user? I was able to disable the button by adding a condition in the canPerform method like this
public boolean canPerform(final ActionContext<String> ctx)
final UserModel currentUser = userService.getCurrentUser();
final boolean isUserMemberOfGroup = this.userService.isMemberOfGroup(currentUser,"group_name");
return isUserMemberOfGroup;
But I want to hide the button instead of making it disable.
I hope you already have a custom backoffice extension, if not then follow this tutorial to create one.
Now, in yourcustombackoffice-backoffice-config.xml you can declare listviewactions component for your itemtype with those actions which you want to allow to the user/group. Then you need to assign that user's role/group to the principal attribute.
For example, there are two backoffice roles "mainRole" and "otherRole". "mainRole" role has assigned to X user and "otherRole" role to Y user. Now using below backoffice config, X user can only see the Create button and Y user can only see Delete button.
<contexttype="Media" component="listviewactions" principal="mainRole" module="hideActionB">
<y:group qualifier="common">
<y:action action-id="com.hybris.cockpitng.action.create" property="pageable.typeCode"/>
<contexttype="Media" component="listviewactions" principal="otherRole" module="hideActionB">
<y:group qualifier="common">
<y:action action-id="com.hybris.cockpitng.action.delete" property="currentObject"/>
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